Tuesday, February 27, 2007

fun facts from the yale earth care committee:

If every US household replaced just three 60-wattincandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, the pollutionsavings would be like taking 3.5 million cars off the road. http://action.environmentaldefense.org/EDF_Action_Network/notice

If Americans chose mass transit instead of driving justonce out of every ten trips, we would save 135 million gallons ofgasoline a year.http://www.nsc.org/ehc/mobile/mse_fs.htm

An online avatar in Second Life, a popular computergame, uses as much electricity each day as an average Brazilian human.

Turning off your laptop during class for a week stopsalmost a pound of carbon dioxide from increasing global warming. http://michaelbluejay.com/electricity/computers.html

Seeing as my handwritings illegible, I "need" my laptop during class. However, I've no excuse for not turning it at night and when I'm not using it. And, perhaps I should't be using it so much- if using it includes playing on facebook for two hours, or I don't know, cutting and pasting fun facts when I should really, really be doing my homework.

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