Tuesday, February 27, 2007
fun facts from the yale earth care committee:
If every US household replaced just three 60-wattincandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, the pollutionsavings would be like taking 3.5 million cars off the road. http://action.environmentaldefense.org/EDF_Action_Network/notice
If Americans chose mass transit instead of driving justonce out of every ten trips, we would save 135 million gallons ofgasoline a year.http://www.nsc.org/ehc/mobile/mse_fs.htm
An online avatar in Second Life, a popular computergame, uses as much electricity each day as an average Brazilian human.
Turning off your laptop during class for a week stopsalmost a pound of carbon dioxide from increasing global warming. http://michaelbluejay.com/electricity/computers.html
Seeing as my handwritings illegible, I "need" my laptop during class. However, I've no excuse for not turning it at night and when I'm not using it. And, perhaps I should't be using it so much- if using it includes playing on facebook for two hours, or I don't know, cutting and pasting fun facts when I should really, really be doing my homework.
If Americans chose mass transit instead of driving justonce out of every ten trips, we would save 135 million gallons ofgasoline a year.http://www.nsc.org/ehc/mobile/mse_fs.htm
An online avatar in Second Life, a popular computergame, uses as much electricity each day as an average Brazilian human.
Turning off your laptop during class for a week stopsalmost a pound of carbon dioxide from increasing global warming. http://michaelbluejay.com/electricity/computers.html
Seeing as my handwritings illegible, I "need" my laptop during class. However, I've no excuse for not turning it at night and when I'm not using it. And, perhaps I should't be using it so much- if using it includes playing on facebook for two hours, or I don't know, cutting and pasting fun facts when I should really, really be doing my homework.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Al Gore Wins an Oscar

Watch Gore on the Oscars. Then, if you haven't seen An Inconvenient Truth, do yourself a favor and watch that, too.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
questioning modernity.
the necessity of postmodern critiques of technology becomes evident very concretely in a question my dear friend katherine once asked me: "why the hell do we need electric canopeners?" seriously. what do they even do that my hand can't do in the same amount of time? (besides suck power out of the wall and make me lazy) oh, progress. progress?
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